
The luxury elopement experience by Rochelle Cheever is a boutique design and photography studio based in San Diego, California and Rome, Italy.

European Inspired Boudoir

Boudoir Photography, California

Set at a scenic villa in California, this beautiful boudoir shoot was inspired by romance, nature, and a touch of Italian spirit. Between delicate touches of lace and flowers, the devil truly is in the details for this shoot. Our model’s classic beauty produced a vintage feel that resonated in this villa, which belonged to my late Aunt Sonja. A true legend of our family, my cousin, Breesa, and I came together to commemorate her spirit in this glamorous shoot. A pageant queen of her day, Aunt Sonja would have reveled in the luxury and glamour this shoot brought to her home.

Aunt Sonja’s thirst for adventure took her to places near and far, whether she was honeymooning in France, kayaking in Alaska or hiking through Tuscany. From living in Oregon, to Mexico City, to Vancouver, Aunt Sonja had a life on the road that never lost its touch of sophistication. A lover of the finer things and the “hostess with the mostest,” it was her home in Carlsbad that finally enticed her to settle and she would have been delighted for that home to become a piece of this lovely boudoir shoot.

This editorial photo shoot was published on Jet Fete








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